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Explorations in VR Design
Upcoming release: hand image data to improve VR tracking
Ultraleap XR AMA: Thursday 26th May!
Leap Motion Interaction Engine now features interface designer, graphic renderer, and support for PC handheld controllers!
Orion 3.2.0 Manual Update
Orion Software: Developer Beta SDK + Consumer Beta Update 3.2.0+45899
How Can We Make Your Reality Feel Superhuman?
Interaction Engine Early Beta + Unity Core Assets 4.1.4
VR Developer Mount + Oculus Rift CV1
What We’re Working On: Unity and Unreal Assets
Unity Assets 4.0.2
Starting Now! IAmA with David Holz
3D Jam: Approved Hardware List
3D Jam submissions thread
How to Unlock Maximum Hand Presence with Image Hands
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