Hi @sippyzip, please can you capture a screenshot or recrording of your visualiser showing the issue that you are seeing and send this to support@ultraleap.com? I will then be able to analyse this and Please can you also check that you do not have any other versions of our hand tracking software installed, such as Orion V4. This can cause conflicts and stop the hand tracking from working correctly.
With the V2 SDK, during installation please click ignore to bypass the Graphics Driver error that you will see, this is due to the older SDK not recognizing contemporary drivers. You will also need to apply this manual hotfix due to a change in Windows 10 with recent releases.
With regards to calibration, this was removed from our Gemini V5 software as we found it was being used incorrectly. Users believed that this feature had an effect on hand tracking performance, which is inaccurate.
All our hand tracking units are calibrated in the factory and should not require recalibration. Use of the calibration feature did not affect the quality of the hand tracking performance. Recalibrating one of our hand tracking modules did not improve the tracking of an already functioning unit.
The view of the hands and the system resources of the host PC has the biggest impact on the performance of hand tracking. If you are experiencing issues with your hand tracking performance please see our troubleshooting guide here for guidance on what can impact this and how to resolve these issues.