A hotfix for this issue has been released, please update to version 3.2.1 of the Orion software available here: http://www.leapmotion.com/setup5.0k
Hey everyone,
With the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, Microsoft made some changes to how they handle Imaging Devices, changing them to "Cameras." This has resulted in a bug with our software. While we work on a better solution to the problem, here's a quick fix!
Note: Only make this change if you have installed the Fall Creators Update. This will break the software in earlier versions of Windows.
- Open up services.msc and pause or stop
- Navigate to your Leap Motion software installation folder and go to the
Core Services
folder (default C:\Program Files (x86)\Leap Motion\Core Services) - Backup LeapSvc.exe and LeapSvc64.exe in a separate folder
- For V2 users, download and unzip this file6.7k into the Core Services folder, replacing LeapSvc.exe and LeapSvc64.exe
- Return to services.msc and restart
- Launch a Leap Motion enabled application and test!
If you have any questions, let us know. As an alternative to step 4, you can open up LeapSvc.exe or LeapSvc64.exe and change them manually with a hex editor:
- Search for
C6 1F DD 6B 0F 81 D0 11 BE C7 08 00 2B E2 09 2F
- Replace that with
B9 7A 3E CA C3 B4 E6 4A 82 51 57 9E F9 33 89 0F
Nov '17
last reply
Dec '20
- 36
- 55.0k
- 26
- 53
- 10