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Jan 2014

Hi all,
I have had to reinstall Windows 8 due to some problems with IE. In doing so, I have lost all my Leap Motion Apps. Whilst Sign Wave was a bit flaky now and again, I found it extremely convenient to log on to my Windows account. Howver, I can't seem to find it in the Apps store anywhere. Have you guys removed it, or if not where is it?


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    Jan '14
  • last reply

    Oct '16
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Leap took it offline due to a big problem when users upgraded to OS X 10.9.

Well that's a shame! Whilst I never really considered it as particularly secure, it was a real convenience to use it to log on to my own PC. Any danger of it re-incarnating in the near future?


Hello PT,

Unfortunately the application SignWave is no longer being supported by Battelle, that is why you cannot find it in Airspace. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, please let us know if we can assist you with anything else.

10 days later

Same scenario here...
Can anybody provide the executables/installer or something?
I'm on Windows 8.1 and didn't notice any problems so far...
And i'd love to get SignWave back after reinstallation :-/ too bad they pulled it from the store frowning

It's really a shame that it got removed, Why would they remove it for both pc and mac, just because it doesn't work on a mac, sounds stupid to me. I still have it on my laptop (on which I used the leapmotion for a while), I'll just see If there is any setup-files left there...

d'accord... You could just zip and upload the installed files anywhere - i don't think there are any installer files... As far as i know, the airspace store App just downloads the executables and puts them in the correct directory..
I would really appreciate that smile

If providing a zip file is possible, count me in! Just let us know, where, when and how.


8 days later

If someone is putting up a zip could I get a copy as heard its not on the market anymore

Hi Six Shooter,

Did you manage to find any files worth keeping to enable a re-installation of Sign Wave?


I didn't get any... can some one provide the installed files? just zip the entire folder and send it to me as pm and i'll take care of the rest blush

I tried looking for them, I even tried to copy the whole program with all apps, even that doesn't seem to work.
I couldn't find the installed version of the signwave unlock, nor the executable/installer.
I couldn't manage to even copy it to another pc, and execute/open SW-unlock, so no point in sharing something that might even be against forum rules too...

It seems that Airspace doesn't handle programs the same way as, let's say, steam or origin. As opposite to steam, who puts all it's games in 2 folders (respectively 'common' and 'valve'), Airspace seems to download and execute the installer, and the installer decides where it wants to install to.. If anyone knows where I can find the installed program, contact me! (installed apps seem awfully fragmented now)

10 months later

Guys, this is REALLY upsetting, that app is one of the MAIN functions that i use the device with!

It's either you develop one of revive that one in your store!

REALLY that is SOO annoying! this feature could be one of the MAIN selling points for this device!

I will be waiting for either a reply with a workaround to re install it or an app in development or return back that app!

19 days later

Need the app... I don't have an apple... why i can't have the app?

10 days later

Also liked it and very upset I couldn't reinstall it, please pressure the company to send you the last version or make the code open so others can take a crack at it !!!

1 year later

i loved the app before and always unlocked my pc with it and i wish to continu that but since i did reinstal windows on my new ssd i can't find it anymore , what i regret a lot . pls put someting simular or a renew version or even the old one back