It can be done with minimal difficulty using a secondary computer on your robot (Raspberry-Pi, Arduino, Beaglebone, etc.) alongside an off-board computer running Leap software. All you'd need to do is write two programs (a server and client respectively) that allow your off-board computer to forward Leap tracking data to the secondary on-board computer.
You could then pull data over the router from the secondary computer into your cRIO. Ultimately, it would be similar to how many teams handled things like vision processing during the past few seasons. While this isn't possible during a competition (for obvious reasons, namely the Field Management System), it remains a viable solution for off-season events and outreach.
If you wanted to use the Leap -during- an might be able to figure out a way to create a set of circuits that pull in Leap tracking data and output it over USB in a way that mimics the inputs from one of the Logitech joysticks or similar controllers. However, that'd be kinda risky for competition usage...
Hope this helps! ;D