Hi there,
I'm hoping to reach getnamo here if possible, or if anybody else can clarify some questions I have about his unreal modules.
The current examples are all with a new lowpoly hands mesh, I need to use the older echo hands mesh instead and have got it working by swapping the child actor class to BSEchoHands in the LeapHandsPawn in the Tracktestbed map, but i've noticed that the tracking for the lowpoly hands is way more stable. Is there any way to use the original echohands mesh but accomplish the tracking stability of the lowpoly hands? Perhaps I'm setting it up wrong. It is particularly noticeable that the echohands drop out when raised slightly above the middle point of the view, whereas the echo hands almost never pop out and track much more smoothly.
Need to add physics collision to the echohands as well.
I noticed that the lowpoly hands are separated into left and right meshes, whereas the old echo hands are a single mesh. Perhaps this is why the tracking is so much better on the lowpoly as the documentation does say that separate meshes for left and right are preferable. Maybe I should try and separate the echohands into two? Have no idea how to go about this though.
Many thanks,