Hi all!
I have a Door in Unity, and I would like to be able to open/close it using hands (via leapmotion).
The problem is that the door has a good pivot point (on an edge of the door), and if I try to rotate it in Unity, the good pivot point is used, and the door opens well. But if I go to the same door in the game, and open the doorssing my hands, the pivot point "move" and become the middle of the door, so when I try to open it, the door just rotate around its center.
Is there anything I have to check up in order to use the good pivot point using hands?
Here you can see where is located the pivot point, and how it react when I rotate around Y AXIS.
Here you can see what happens when I try to open the doors using hands...
Since I don't use leapmotion for so long, I don't know if you need more informations. If yes, I will give them right away.
Thanks a lot!