I have a new Ultraleap Stereo IR 170 and I'm trying to get it setup for the first time and I'm running into issues. Previously I was using the standard Magic Leap and it was working fine (and continues to work fine) but when I plug in the new Ultraleap, the control panel Device status is all green but when I use the Diagnostic Visualizer to view the feeds there is no feed coming through and everything is just black. It also doesn't generate the hand visualization either.
Initially I was on Software version 4.0.0 and I thought that was the issue so I uninstalled that version and installed version 4.1.0 instead but I'm experiencing the same issue. Any idea what's going on here? I tried looking at the Software Log as well and nothing stuck out to me as problematic. My Ultraleap does show a yellow / orange light in the middle. Does this indicate some sort of hardware issue?
Control Panel version:
Software Version 4.1.0+52211
Leap Motion Controller ID: LE3100040000002F7D-3610-D32F8259CD
Firmware Revision: 3.3.3
Device Status
Service Status: CONNECTED
Device Status: CONNECTED
Calibration Status: GOOD
Tracking Status: STREAMING
Bandwidth Status: GOOD
Lighting Status: GOOD
Smudge Status: GOOD