My Unity app (v2021.2.0b8) uses the Ultrahaptics Inspire hardware for a kiosk installation. It runs fine in editor with sensations dispatching normally, but builds crash every time without any useful logs about what might have occurred. If I de-activate the "UltrahapticsKit" prefab in the scene before building, everything runs nominally.
One big callout, I'm seeing this error in my project:
Plugin 'Assets/Plugins/UltrahapticsCoreAsset/Plugins/x86_64/SensationCore.dll' has the same filename as Assembly Definition File 'Assets/Plugins/UltrahapticsCoreAsset/Scripts/SensationCore.asmdef'. Rename the assemblies to avoid hard to diagnose issues and crashes.
These seems very likely to be the culprit, but it's unclear to me how to resolve.