Hello. I'm trying to create a mini Puzzle using Leap motion control in Unreal 4(.26.2). The goal of the game is to replicate the pictures of (drawn) hands shown on the screen with your own hands. For now, I'm only using is extended (boolean) and the "Not" node to avoid cheesing.
Ex: On the screen you see two hands. The left one has the thumb and the pinky extended. The right one has the thumb, the middle finger and the ring finger extended. You have to replicate finger extensions with your respective hands.
My problem is, that in the "On hand begin tracking" node, there is just "Thumb extended" for example. There is no distinction between left or right thumb. I can't work with On left/right hand visibility change.
Does anybody know how to use distinct fingers only using blueprints?
Edit: I'm willing to use C++ instead of Blueprints now.
Thanks in advance