Thanks for the reply Joe. So I can say I figured out how to get something to happen after I push a button.
Is there any addition setup required to the Unity editor to get the UI stuff to work? I started a new project within Unity, imported the LMHeadMountedRig, LeapEventSystem and the MinimalPanel prefabs but the UI functionality stops working in that I do not see the cursor and buttons don't seem to animate (they are static). I made sure to assign the LeapHandController to to the Leap Input Module, figure I might be missing something but I don't know what.
edit: Just did another check; my canvas are already in world space
edit2: There's a strange bug and I'm not 100% why it's happening; the UI widgets seems to work when their coodinate is set near around 0,0,0 but anywhere else it stops working. If I make the widget a child of another game object, it stops working. If I move the widget through the editor whilst it's running, the interaction stops working.
edit 3: I am lost with this problem I am having. I've followed the instructions, word for word: I am able to create a button and I am able to push it, but the moment I move the panel somewhere else in world space, the button interaction cease to function, as in if I push finger on it, it does not depress. The area I'm trying to move the canvas has a few models, none of which have any Event Systems in place. I've disabled all other Canvas elements, but everytime I try to push a button, my hand just goes through it. The button prefab's audio is not working. I've tried outputing a debug message on Pointer Click through the Event System and that doesn't give me anything. The only other thing I could think of is that the latest version of the orion package doesn't work well with the current Unity version I'm working with (5.5.0f3).