Hi Joe,
I've made some progress following your advice but am finding a very odd bug that I wonder if it will make sense to you. I have a test case scene that I can run with VR working fine on multiple runs, no problem. However, if I call the Leap plugin (the plugin folder from 2.3.1 as described above)( just calling " using Leap; " ) the script causes the Oculus runtime and Unity to lock up. I get three warnings as well:
- Compositor failed to initialize.
- Bad config or LibOVR not found. VR disabled.
- Oculus HMD not present. VRSettings.enabled set to false.
It appears to freeze up the entire Oculus runtime with a message "Sorry, Unity.exe is taking a while to load. If this issue persists, please take off your headset and check this app on your computer".
The Oculus Library screen will continue to persist. If I try to open up another VR App, eg EVE, I see a dialogue (Looks like you are in the middle of something, ..), then an App Failed to Close dialogue. EVE will start to boot but fail to run. Rebooting Oculus allows EVE to run. Unity remains locked. Rebooting unity just shows the "Please Wait" and "Sorry, Unity.exe is taking a while to close.." messages (in the goggles). This appears as soon as Unity is loaded. Unity also Froze and is status Non Responding in the Task Manager when trying to quit (inconsistently). Quitting unity removes the message in the Goggles and will display the Oculus Library as normal.
This is odd as it will often persist even after I restart Unity and/or Oculus is closed or reset. Once its locked it even breaks projects I open that don't even have the leap. If I open those other projects first they work fine. I normally have to reset my computer to get it working again.
I'm currently testing with the Oculus Runtime 1.6, Unity 5.3.6f1 (the recommended for 1.6) but have encountered with a few other versions of Unity.
I'll keep investigating and share what I find, and I'll post this in the Oculus forums as well. Thanks again for all your help so far!