I have downloaded leapd with dpkg on Arch Linux. Even after I have downloaded it it says "sudo: leapd: command not found". How do I solve this?
Please refer to our FAQ for Linux installation issues here: https://support.leapmotion.com/hc/en-us/articles/223782608-Linux-Installation
It still doesn't work. I have re-installed 4 times and still doesn't work. How do I fix this? I've tried everything in the FAQ
See if you have any luck with this installer: https://leapmotion.app.box.com/s/rlwzvt680i5r6zes75ge36ub2yt7ksx3
I tried the hotfix, that failed. How do I use the developer kit? I find some executables, .deb files and .jar files. Which one?
Solved. I early had deleted leapd (I've forgotten why) from /usr/bin so I searched /usr/sbin and copied leapd into /usr/bin. Thanks for all the support
Glad to hear that you were able to resolve the issue!