Hi all, my issue is similar to this topic from January (https://community.leapmotion.com/t/orion-unity-unusable-with-gameobject-movements/5896). It seemed to have been solved, but with now deprecated scripts. I am looking for some help with what I may be doing wrong!
My camera rig begins to move forward when a UI button is pressed with Leap hands, everything is fine. But now that movement has started, pressing the buttons and interacting with UI is near impossible. It begins to shake and act like I am hovering over more than one, far more unstable that when not in movement. When I finally get the button pressed to stop the movement forward, the UI panel goes back to normal functionality. The UI I am using is the Cube UI panel from the Basic UI scene example that comes with the Interaction Engine Module.
Any help is appreciated, can attach video if needed.
Edit: attached is video