Hey all, I've read a few posts here concerning the deprecation of ToUnity and I see in this post: https://community.leapmotion.com/t/unity-vector-conversion-utility-class-not-working-as-expected/4714/5
Joe mentions using the matrix in LeapProvider.GetLeapMatrix, however this is undefined as far as I can tell, was the name changed?
I have a scene with this code, but in practice the gameObject doesn't appear near the palm, it shows up way off in the distance, the scale seems to be about 1000x too large, roughly.
I feel like it's really not clear even after reading the forums about this exact question, how do I get the Unity Vector3 position of the palm?
void Update () {
Frame frame = controller.Frame();
List<Hand> hands = frame.Hands;
foreach (Hand hand in hands)
if (hand.IsLeft)
if (grabObject != null)
grabObject.transform.position = hand.PalmPosition.ToVector3();