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I have just completed a full install of 2.3.1 leap controller on Mac OSX.
It works, visualizer works, and even had GameWAVE working. However Shortcuts crashes instantly.
When I start it I see it appear in the toolbar at the top. However as soon as my hands enter the range of the Leap Motion the app crashes. Silently disappears and nothing works for it.
I do not see any logs to capture to help, even a trace doesn't seem too helpful, though I'll include it here in case the "kevent" is meaningful to you.

27250/0x1027d56:  psynch_cvbroad(0x7FA138117DF8, 0x4C7000004C800, 0x4C70000000100)               = 257 0
27250/0x1027d54:  psynch_cvwait(0x7FA138117DF8, 0x4C7010004C800, 0x4C700)                = 0 0
27250/0x1027d54:  psynch_cvbroad(0x7FA139868910, 0x4C7000004C800, 0x4C70000000100)               = 257 0
27250/0x1027d55:  psynch_cvwait(0x7FA139868910, 0x4C7010004C800, 0x4C700)                = 0 0
27250/0x1027d54:  psynch_cvbroad(0x60000200E7C0, 0x4C8000004C900, 0x4C80000000100)               = 257 0
27250/0x1027d52:  psynch_cvwait(0x60000200E7C0, 0x4C8010004C900, 0x4C800)                = 0 0
27250/0x1027d52:  gettimeofday(0x70000F626DC8, 0x0, 0x0)                 = 0 0
27250/0x1027d56:  recvfrom(0x17, 0x600003F1385C, 0x8)            = 8 0
27250/0x1027d56:  recvfrom(0x17, 0x7FA136809C00, 0x196)          = 406 0
27250/0x1027d56:  recvfrom(0x17, 0x600003F1385C, 0x8)            = 8 0
27250/0x1027d56:  psynch_cvbroad(0x7FA138117DF8, 0x4C8000004C900, 0x4C80000000100)               = 257 0
27250/0x1027d54:  psynch_cvwait(0x7FA138117DF8, 0x4C8010004C900, 0x4C800)                = 0 0
27250/0x1027d54:  psynch_cvbroad(0x7FA139868910, 0x4C8000004C900, 0x4C80000000100)               = 257 0
27250/0x1027d55:  psynch_cvwait(0x7FA139868910, 0x4C8010004C900, 0x4C800)                = 0 0
27250/0x1027d54:  psynch_cvbroad(0x60000200E7C0, 0x4C9000004CA00, 0x4C90000000100)               = 257 0
27250/0x1027d52:  psynch_cvwait(0x60000200E7C0, 0x4C9010004CA00, 0x4C900)                = 0 0
27250/0x1027d52:  gettimeofday(0x70000F626DC8, 0x0, 0x0)                 = 0 0
27250/0x1027d56:  recvfrom(0x17, 0x600003F1385C, 0x8)            = 8 0
27250/0x1027d56:  recvfrom(0x17, 0x7FA136809C00, 0xE09)          = 3593 0
27250/0x1027d56:  recvfrom(0x17, 0x600003F1385C, 0x8)            = 8 0
27250/0x1027d56:  psynch_cvbroad(0x7FA138117DF8, 0x4C9000004CA00, 0x4C90000000100)               = 257 0
27250/0x1027d54:  psynch_cvwait(0x7FA138117DF8, 0x4C9010004CA00, 0x4C900)                = 0 0
27250/0x1027d54:  psynch_cvbroad(0x7FA139868910, 0x4C9000004CA00, 0x4C90000000100)               = 257 0
27250/0x1027d55:  psynch_cvwait(0x7FA139868910, 0x4C9010004CA00, 0x4C900)                = 0 0
27250/0x1027d54:  psynch_cvbroad(0x60000200E7C0, 0x4CA000004CB00, 0x4CA0000000100)               = 257 0
27250/0x1027d52:  psynch_cvwait(0x60000200E7C0, 0x4CA010004CB00, 0x4CA00)                = 0 0
27250/0x1027d52:  gettimeofday(0x70000F626DC8, 0x0, 0x0)                 = 0 0
27250/0x1027aa5:  __semwait_signal(0x903, 0x0, 0x1)              = -1 4
27250/0x1027d51:  kevent(0x13, 0x0, 0x0)                 = -1 4
27250/0x1027d52:  psynch_cvwait(0x60000200E7C0, 0x4CB010004CC00, 0x4CB00)                = -1 260
27250/0x1027d54:  psynch_cvwait(0x7FA138117DF8, 0x4CA010004CB00, 0x4CA00)                = -1 260
27250/0x1027d56:  recvfrom(0x17, 0x600003F1385C, 0x8)            = -1 4