Hi Friends!!I am developing a project in which I wanted to zoom and rotate object using my hands.Please instruct me how to do it?I am using Leap motion sdk 3.2.0 and unity version 5.3.3 with leap motion orion assets 4.1.1.Thanks in advance.
There's an example scene that does this in the DetectionExamples module called PinchMovementDemo.
Yes. Leap motion provides script for pinch zoom and rotate. But I don't know on which object should I attach that script.
In the DetectionExamples module that contains the LeapRTS script, you will also find an example scene named PinchMovementDemo that uses the script.
Where is this Scripts?
You can find these scripts here now: https://github.com/leapmotion/UnityModules/tree/master/Assets/LeapMotion/Legacy/DetectionExamples/Scripts