I am trying to create custom hands based on official direction found in the SDK readme here: LeapUnreal.
I am using the LeapMotion plugin that comes with UE4.23.1, and default functionality with low poly hand models works.
When modifying the default system specifically, as suggested in the readme:
To add auto-mapping to your own anim instance, re-parent it a BodyStateAnimInstance
Unreal editor crashes with out of bounds error:
Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [File:D:\Build\++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers/Array.h] [Line: 614] Array index out of bounds: -1 from an array of size 23
This also happens when new animation is created with parent class being BodyStateAnimInstance. Its happening on fresh project with no other content but new hand model.
Please suggest what can be done.
Thank you.