I am trying to create a multiplayer game with Leap Motion, so that one client sees the hands from the other one.
I have successfully transport the hand data with the new VectorHand class through the Network.
But my main problem now is to render the tranported hand data on the client.
I don't know where I have to use the hand data to render it successfully in the scene.
My first try was to call the CapsulHand functions like SetLeapHand, InitHand, BeginHand and UpdateHand, but it seems not working.
Then I became attentive for the HandModelManager and the HandRepresentation class.
Also without any good results.
So, is there a way to solve my problem? or have i miss something important at my steps above? Should I go deeper to the LeapProvider class?
It would be great when someone can help me. Thank you in Advance!