I'm trying to calculate the direction to an image feature using PixelToRectilinear method, however this method does not seem to work as it always returns NaN. There used to be method with name PixelToRectilinearEx which worked, however this method has been removed. Could you provide any assistance with this issue?
As a workaround I was trying to use distortion textures (64x64), however the values are hardly documented and it is not clear to me how to get proper rays from it. I understand that those values ranges from -0.6 to 1.7 and everything not fitting to interval <0,1> should be discarded but I don't understand how those 0..1 values relates to rays from camera and comments in Unity package does not help with this either.
By intuition I was able to get some promising results (see drawn rays below) however I have no idea how good or bad they are. Could you please clarify those values to me?
Also is there any way how to improve resolution of images from Leap SDK which are currently just 384x384?
Version of Unity package: Leap.Motion.Unity.Modules.4.8.0
Version of Leap Motion SDK
Controller: Stereo IR170