I am trying to set up a new project with Ultraleap Gemini and the documentation https://docs.ultraleap.com/unity-api/unity-user-manual/core.html states that the core should have a ServiceProviderXR prefab but I can not find it
I have used the OpenUPM to install the Core hands and interaction plugins after setting up an Open XR scene but the prefabs are not in any of these packages?
Also some images in the documentation would really help!
Searching for the service provider returns only scripts and icons no prefab
The document clearly says I should add a service provider prefab not a hand with a service provider script.
If proper documentation exists please show me where.
Edit 2: if you bring the leap Rig into the scene you get two errors (one for each hand about null materials
" ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: material
UnityEngine.Graphics.DrawMeshInstanced (UnityEngine.Mesh mesh, System.Int32 submeshIndex, UnityEngine.Material material, UnityEngine.Matrix4x4[] matrices, System.Int32 count, UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock properties, UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode castShadows, System.Boolean receiveShadows, System.Int32 layer, UnityEngine.Camera camera, UnityEngine.Rendering.LightProbeUsage lightProbeUsage, UnityEngine.LightProbeProxyVolume lightProbeProxyVolume) (at :0)
UnityEngine.Graphics.DrawMeshInstanced (UnityEngine.Mesh mesh, System.Int32 submeshIndex, UnityEngine.Material material, UnityEngine.Matrix4x4[] matrices, System.Int32 count, UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock properties, UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode castShadows, System.Boolean receiveShadows, System.Int32 layer) (at :0)
Leap.Unity.CapsuleHand.UpdateHand () (at Library/PackageCache/com.ultraleap.core@4.8.0-preview.5/Runtime/Scripts/Hands/CapsuleHand.cs:228)
Leap.Unity.HandModelBase.Update () (at Library/PackageCache/com.ultraleap.core@4.8.0-preview.5/Runtime/Scripts/Hands/HandModelBase.cs:110) "
You cant just add a material in the inspector and if you import the Ultraleap Tracking package you get close to 300 errors.