Keep in mind -- the leap position is a measurement in space -- it is the millimeters left, right, up, down, and in and out.
your web page has a size in pixels that depends on the window size.
You can use the interaction boxes' normalizePoint() method to make a position simple. It takes a leap position and returns a position with all numbers in the 0.. 1 range.
i.e., frame.pointables[0].stabilizedTipPosition = [-221..221,0...400, -221..221]
frame.interactionBox.normalazePoint(frame.pointables[0].stabilizedTipPosition) = [0..1, 0..1, 0..1]
for details.
var point = frame.pointables[0].stabilizedTipPosition; // will be [102.4444, 123.2, 456.11] or something similar
// or var hand = frame.hands[0]; point = hand.pointables[0].stabilizedTipPosition
var normalPoint = frame.interactionBox. normalizePoint(point); // will be [0.566, 0.015, 0.874] all values in the 0..1 range
var screen_x = normalPoint[0] * document.body.offsetWidth + doc.scrollLeft;
var screen_y = normalPoint[1] * document.body.offsetHeight + doc.scrollTop;
the LeapStrap progject is a good example of mapping leap data to a web page.