I've released a library I've been working on for the Leap which provides a simplified interface to the data. I created the simplifying algorithm (originally to allow for Leap data to be used in a Csound plugin) which normalises coordinates and vectors and provides hand sorting. Csound is a very complete and flexible audio programming language.
However after talking to other Leap developersI realise the interface may be useful for other projects where only simplified data is needed and especially stable data is required, such as an art installation where you may not be around to instruct users how to interact. So I created a general version which uses OSC (open sound control) to transmit the simplified data. This means users who don't have much programming experience (or even none!) can use the the system. It might be a good way for novice programmers who are primarily artists to get access to the Leap.
The library is called LeapInto and will come as an OSC version and a Csound plugin. I am at an early stage of release and there are some problems with the Csound plugin so I only have the OSC version online. I have tested on Mac OSX and Linux Ubuntu 12LTS. There are only binaries for OSX 10.9 but it should be easy to build on other system. I would love to see how other people get on building on various systems, e.g. older OSX, various Linux, Win8, older windows, etc.. I don't see why it shouldn't build on Windows and will hopefully be testing that this week for Win7.
If the community thinks this is a good library I would be honored to be added to the community libraries page.
Please email me directly if you have a question, feedback or anything related to this project.
project: http://sourceforge.net/projects/leapinto/