Hello, I has download the UnityCoreAsset 4.3.1 and imported into Unity 2017.1.0f3, Window10.
When i open Assets/LeapMotion/Core/Examples, there are 3 example scenes: Leap Hands Demo (Desktop), Leap Hands Demo (VR - Infrared Viewer), Leap Hands Demo (VR).
I tried all the examples scenes above, but when i start the game i can not see my hands in the scenes while the Leap Motion Visualizer works well.And there is no error in console.
I have checked the troubleshooting.Here is the hierarchy screenshoot of Leap Hands Demo (Desktop), the hand model always unactivate during runtime.
I also tried Unity 5.6.1f3, but still not work.
I tried another computer using same version of unity and coreasset, and it works!!! Probably the os environment problem??
I don't know how to solve this problem, can someone help me?