Since I had trouble finding good info on this topic anywhere online, I'm here to officially confirm that you can easily use multiple leaps on the same computer.
My setup is Windows 7, running multiple instances of "vmware player", each running its own instance of Mint Linux 14 64-bit. (64-bit is possibly more stable of a leap driver?? maybe hearsay.)
I wanted the lightest and fastest possible OS, and Mint 14 seemed to be a great choice. (I think if we had XP support, it would be a better solution.) I gave each one 1 gig RAM and access to 2 cores (maybe overkill?).
To get communication from each VM to my windows "host" computer, I set each VM's network option to "host-only". I'm sure there is a better solution than this, since this setting disables internet connection, but I don't need to find it for my purposes. It would be cool for someone to tell me how to get them all actually online and talking to each other, though 
I got one installation working with the Leap. Then I just copy/pasted that folder for each Leap I wanted to add.
I know they're working on official multiple-leap support, but here's your stopgap solution. It's not a commercial solution, but if you do art/creative/experiential things, it works great.