Hello All.
Our company is working on prototypes requiring XR gestures, which in turn require fairly precise hand tracking. Based on our understanding of what the LeapMotion was capable of, we have been using the LeapMotion with the Latest Orion Beta (4.0.0+52173) in Unreal Engine 4.22.1 to track individual digits and determine whether fingers of the hand were "up" (extended, but with some leeway for natural curvature) or down (not extended).
The tracking works very well in most cases; however my team has been complaining about regularly getting false detection on the ring and middle fingers (i.e. sometimes ring finger is down (curved or drooping) and FLeapFrameData claims that the middle finger is down, or vice versa -- but usually the former.) This usually happens as a result of very light occlusion of the ring finger by the middle finger, or by the hands being not directly centered inside the sensor field.
We experienced the same issue when just using the bIsExtended boolean from the FLeapDigitData in the Unreal Engine LeapComponent, and we also get the same behaviour outside of our app when using the VR Visualizer or the Diagnostic Visualizer.
These mis-detections are critically impairing the usability of these prototypes, but in all the videos and things I've seen I have been unable to determine if this is a limitation of the device or SDK or if there are any steps we could take to fix these issues. If anyone has any information that helps to resolve these tracking anomalies it would help us greatly and we'd extremely grateful. Thanks in advance.