Hey everyone,
Today I'm happy to announce that we've merged our main blog and Developer Labs. The new URL for the blog is leapmotion.com/blog. This means that some comments and posts may be temporarily unavailable, and some old links haven't yet been redirected. We're also making a few further design tweaks for a smoother reading experience.
This is exciting for a few reasons. Over the last year, Developer Labs has grown to be a place where our engineers and community devs can write about cool stuff. Surgery, interactive art, web experiments, robots, flying drones... just about everything you can imagine with motion control. With one blog, Leap Motion users and devs can find these projects from our main site, instead of routing through the Developer Portal. This also means that we no longer need to split discussions between two blogs.
To make sure you can still quickly access what interests you, we've made the categories (and soon the tags as well) more comprehensive and robust. When you click the blog link from the Developer Portal, you'll see the Developer Labs category – newsletters, posts from Leap Motion engineers, and dev spotlights. On the flip side, the Leap Motion category will include the user spotlights, new app features, and special updates that you've come to expect on our main blog.
I'd love to hear what you think about this change, and how we could make the blog a better resource for everyone. As always, if you'd be interested in writing about your Leap Motion project, shoot me an email at acolgan@leapmotion.com.
Your friendly neighborhood writer,