Loop is a digital, gamelike experience that lets the user explore,
deconstruct and alter its virtual worlds as he moves through them. The
game’s goal is to manipulate the game experience, its side effect is
that the player learns about the basics of programming.
The game is being played with an Oculus Rift, an attached Leap motion
sensor, and a mechanic treadmill. As the user walks through the virtual
world, he will be confronted with scenes and surroundings that are
(sometimes more, sometimes less) referencing real objects and sceneries
in the form of system simulations. By raising his hand and grabbing
»code objects«, he can interact with the world as he changes pieces of
code the simulations run on.
On a conceptual level, the game can be seen as a tool for editing
digital worlds, with the code editor and compiler accessible directly
from within the virtual experience.
I would love to read your feedback about this and whether you'd be interested to play this!