Hi everyone
I am looking for motivated people to join my team in the upcoming #3DJAM.
-3D Artists
I am a programmer (student, 7th semester, B.Sc.) myself.
I have a team of Game Designers (5-7, all students) who have worked on a good base for a Game Design Document and will stay with me during the jam.
Also, I have worked on a prototype in the last semester (since I am a student too) which you can see here:
and yes, the video has poor quality, sorry for that.
The Main idea behind the game is a first person tower defense where you use certain gestures to cast spells and fight of waves of enemies-
I am planning to finish the game after the jam as a project of my studies and release it for free on the leapmotion site as part of my portfolio.
We will be working with the Unreal Engine 4 and the official plugin for Leapmotion. Also, we have an Oculus Rift DK2 at hand for testing.
So if you want to be part of something awesome, join us!
You can freely chose to only participate during the jam or stick with the project afterwards.