My leap motion worked fine for weeks but since then for some reason in apps like pinch draw, graffiti, and superstruct I can't pinch draw and a thin line is being automatically drawn. It automatically is drawn from left to right then starts jumbling up behind me. If necessary I can get a video of it.
My troubleshooting steps to solve thus far:
-Tried another leap motion - Same issue
-Tried another usb cable and extender - Same issue
-Tried without an extender - Same issue
-Uninstalled and reinstalled Orion - Same issue
-Thoroughly cleaned the face - Same issue
-Rebooted many times - Same issue
-Tried a different usb port - Same issue
-Rolled back usb drivers - Same issue
-Tried on a totally different pc - No issue
So I at least have it narrowed down to something on my pc but I have no idea what I can troubleshoot next. I'm hoping someone here would have an idea. FYI I'm running the latest Orion beta on Windows 10.
So I'm definitely not the only person to have this issue. This reddit thread was created with others having the same problem: