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Feb 2019

hi there

I have the motion device and no VR and I've not had any issues so I got a new laptop and I wanted to try it out again, I downloaded the software the device is green all options are green the leap motion visualizer works but when I got into say Kyoto all it shows me is the picture of the USB with green arrow pointing at the device, I tried connecting it over and over, I tried usb2 and 3 and still nothing, I'm running windows 10

hope you can assist me as this is such a nice devise to play around with

looking forward to hearing from you

  • created

    Feb '19
  • last reply

    Jun '19
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10 days later
2 months later

if i may ask why is it taking to long for Leap motion to say something?

its one of the apps you can get that works with the leap motion device

Those apps mostly work with Orion 2.3.1, but if you install it, most probably it won't work by itself (leds off), BUT if you go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Leap Motion\Core Services\Drivers after the installation and run dpinst64.exe or dpinst.exe (depending on your system, x32 or x64), the Leap Motion will magically start (just need to do this once).

21 days later