Hi Joe,
Sorry, I'm using this library: https://github.com/feliwir/leap-rps/blob/master/leap/lib/Leap.py
And here is the control code:
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, "lib/")
import Leap, thread, time
from Leap import CircleGesture, KeyTapGesture, ScreenTapGesture, SwipeGesture
from pyduino import *
import numpy as np
class SampleListener(Leap.Listener):
finger_names = ['Thumb', 'Index', 'Middle', 'Ring', 'Pinky']
bone_names = ['Metacarpal', 'Proximal', 'Intermediate', 'Distal']
oldtime = time.time()
newtime = time.time()
def on_init(self, controller):
# if your arduino was running on a serial port other than '/dev/ttyACM0/'
# declare: a = Arduino(serial_port='/dev/ttyXXXX')
a = Arduino(serial_port='/dev/ttyACM0')
self.a = Arduino()
# sleep to ensure ample time for computer to make serial connection
# Define Pins for Arduino Servos
self.PIN2 = 2 # Azimuthal
self.PIN3 = 3 # Altitude
self.PIN4 = 4 # Wrist
self.PIN5 = 5 # Claw
self.previous_angles = [0,0,0,0]
# allow time to make connection
print "Initialized"
def on_connect(self, controller):
print "Connected"
# Enable gestures
def on_disconnect(self, controller):
# Note: not dispatched when running in a debugger.
print "Disconnected"
def on_exit(self, controller):
# Reset arduino when you stop program
self.a.servo_write(self.PIN2,90) # Az
self.a.servo_write(self.PIN3,0) # Alt
self.a.servo_write(self.PIN4,100) # Wrist
self.a.servo_write(self.PIN5,70) # Claw
print "Exited"
def on_frame(self, controller):
# we only want to get the position of the hand every so often
self.newtime = time.time()
if self.newtime-self.oldtime > 0.1: # every 10 ms get a frame
# Get the most recent frame and report some basic information
frame = controller.frame()
interaction_box = frame.interaction_box
print "Frame id: %d, timestamp: %d, hands: %d, fingers: %d, tools: %d, gestures: %d" % (
frame.id, frame.timestamp, len(frame.hands), len(frame.fingers), len(frame.tools), len(frame.gestures()))
# Get hands
for hand in frame.hands:
handType = "Left hand" if hand.is_left else "Right hand"
normalized_point = interaction_box.normalize_point(hand.palm_position,True)
self.XPOS = normalized_point.x
self.YPOS = normalized_point.y
self.ZPOS = normalized_point.z
print " %s, id %d, x-position: %s" % (handType, hand.id, int(self.XPOS*180) )
print " %s, id %d, y-position: %s" % (handType, hand.id, int(self.YPOS*85) )
print " %s, id %d, z-position: %s" % (handType, hand.id, int(self.ZPOS*180) )
print 'my fingers =',len(hand.fingers)
if len(hand.fingers) >= 2:
x1 = hand.fingers[0].tip_position[0]
y1 = hand.fingers[0].tip_position[1]
z1 = hand.fingers[0].tip_position[2]
# calc distance between two fingers
x2 = hand.fingers[1].tip_position[0]
y2 = hand.fingers[1].tip_position[1]
z2 = hand.fingers[1].tip_position[2]
# calc 2norm for difference between vector to thumb and pointer finger
r = ( (x1-x2)**2 + (y1-y2)**2 + (z1-z2)**2 )**0.5
# perform a crude normalization
dist_norm = r/100.
# may need to change the 100 to something else
print 'Finger Tip Distance = ',dist_norm
# not really a normalized position, sometimes can be more than 1
if dist_norm >= 1:
#for finger in hand.fingers:
#print finger,' - ',finger.tip_position
# determine motors - adjust angle ranges here too
XPOS_servo = abs(145-self.XPOS*145) # 0-Azimuth
YPOS_servo = abs(85-self.YPOS*85) # 1-Altitude
ZPOS_servo = 35+135*self.ZPOS # Wrist Angle
# write the value to servo on arduino
self.a.servo_write(self.PIN2,int(XPOS_servo)) # Azimuth
self.a.servo_write(self.PIN3,int(YPOS_servo)) # Altitude
self.a.servo_write(self.PIN4,int(ZPOS_servo)) # Wrist
# claw range
CLAW_SERVO = abs(90-dist_norm*70)
print ('Claw Angle =',CLAW_SERVO)
# update the old time
self.oldtime = self.newtime
# update previous values
self.previous_angles[0] = XPOS_servo
self.previous_angles[1] = YPOS_servo
self.previous_angles[2] = ZPOS_servo
self.previous_angles[3] = CLAW_SERVO
pass # keep advancing in time until 1 second is reached
def main():
# Create a sample listener and controller
listener = SampleListener()
controller = Leap.Controller()
# Have the sample listener receive events from the controller
# Keep this process running until Enter is pressed
print ("Press Enter to quit...")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Remove the sample listener when done
if name == "main":