@AlexColgan @teddiesaurus thanks for your message,
I would like to trigger deterministic right/left swipe (only) but I get good detection for up/down swipe detection but this is not triggering very efficiently (i.e. I might swipe the hand and not get triggering). The code is in python
for gesture in frame.gestures():
if gesture.type == Leap.Gesture.TYPE_SWIPE:
swipe = SwipeGesture(gesture)
if (swipe.direction.x < 0 and math.fabs(swipe.direction.y) < 5):
print "Swiped Right" + str(swipe.id)
return len(frame.fingers.extended()), 0, 0, 2
elif (swipe.direction.x > 0 and math.fabs(swipe.direction.y) < 5):
print "Swiped Left"
return len(frame.fingers.extended()), 0, 1, 3
Could you help me to have a more deterministic right/left swipe detection ?