I’m trying to use the Leap Motion for school homework. I downloaded the library from Github and added it to the Processing Libraries.
I’m using:
- Processing 3.2.3
- Leap Motion Software 2.3.1+31549
At first, it seems to work fine, but after a while, it stops recognizing the hands. And the only way I found to make it work again is by restarting my computer (I’m using Windows 10). Still, if I use it for a while again, it stops recognizing.
Does anyone know how to fix it?
Here I’m using one of the examples given when downloading the library and I copy the code in case it helps.
Stopped working:
Example code:
import de.voidplus.leapmotion.*;
// ======================================================
// Table of Contents:
// ├─ 1. Callbacks
// ├─ 2. Hand
// ├─ 3. Arms
// ├─ 4. Fingers
// ├─ 5. Bones
// ├─ 6. Tools
// └─ 7. Devices
// ======================================================
LeapMotion leap;
void setup() {
size(800, 500);
// ...
leap = new LeapMotion(this);
// ======================================================
// 1. Callbacks
void leapOnInit() {
// println("Leap Motion Init");
void leapOnConnect() {
// println("Leap Motion Connect");
void leapOnFrame() {
// println("Leap Motion Frame");
void leapOnDisconnect() {
// println("Leap Motion Disconnect");
void leapOnExit() {
// println("Leap Motion Exit");
void draw() {
// ...
int fps = leap.getFrameRate();
for (Hand hand : leap.getHands ()) {
// ==================================================
// 2. Hand
int handId = hand.getId();
PVector handPosition = hand.getPosition();
PVector handStabilized = hand.getStabilizedPosition();
PVector handDirection = hand.getDirection();
PVector handDynamics = hand.getDynamics();
float handRoll = hand.getRoll();
float handPitch = hand.getPitch();
float handYaw = hand.getYaw();
boolean handIsLeft = hand.isLeft();
boolean handIsRight = hand.isRight();
float handGrab = hand.getGrabStrength();
float handPinch = hand.getPinchStrength();
float handTime = hand.getTimeVisible();
PVector spherePosition = hand.getSpherePosition();
float sphereRadius = hand.getSphereRadius();
// --------------------------------------------------
// Drawing
// ==================================================
// 3. Arm
if (hand.hasArm()) {
Arm arm = hand.getArm();
float armWidth = arm.getWidth();
PVector armWristPos = arm.getWristPosition();
PVector armElbowPos = arm.getElbowPosition();
// ==================================================
// 4. Finger
Finger fingerThumb = hand.getThumb();
// or hand.getFinger("thumb");
// or hand.getFinger(0);
Finger fingerIndex = hand.getIndexFinger();
// or hand.getFinger("index");
// or hand.getFinger(1);
Finger fingerMiddle = hand.getMiddleFinger();
// or hand.getFinger("middle");
// or hand.getFinger(2);
Finger fingerRing = hand.getRingFinger();
// or hand.getFinger("ring");
// or hand.getFinger(3);
Finger fingerPink = hand.getPinkyFinger();
// or hand.getFinger("pinky");
// or hand.getFinger(4);
for (Finger finger : hand.getFingers()) {
// or hand.getOutstretchedFingers();
// or hand.getOutstretchedFingersByAngle();
int fingerId = finger.getId();
PVector fingerPosition = finger.getPosition();
PVector fingerStabilized = finger.getStabilizedPosition();
PVector fingerVelocity = finger.getVelocity();
PVector fingerDirection = finger.getDirection();
float fingerTime = finger.getTimeVisible();
// ------------------------------------------------
// Drawing
// Drawing:
// finger.draw(); // Executes drawBones() and drawJoints()
// finger.drawBones();
// finger.drawJoints();
// ------------------------------------------------
// Selection
switch(finger.getType()) {
case 0:
// System.out.println("thumb");
case 1:
// System.out.println("index");
case 2:
// System.out.println("middle");
case 3:
// System.out.println("ring");
case 4:
// System.out.println("pinky");
// ================================================
// 5. Bones
// --------
// https://developer.leapmotion.com/documentation/java/devguide/Leap_Overview.html#Layer_1
Bone boneDistal = finger.getDistalBone();
// or finger.get("distal");
// or finger.getBone(0);
Bone boneIntermediate = finger.getIntermediateBone();
// or finger.get("intermediate");
// or finger.getBone(1);
Bone boneProximal = finger.getProximalBone();
// or finger.get("proximal");
// or finger.getBone(2);
Bone boneMetacarpal = finger.getMetacarpalBone();
// or finger.get("metacarpal");
// or finger.getBone(3);
// ------------------------------------------------
// Touch emulation
int touchZone = finger.getTouchZone();
float touchDistance = finger.getTouchDistance();
switch(touchZone) {
case -1: // None
case 0: // Hovering
// println("Hovering (#" + fingerId + "): " + touchDistance);
case 1: // Touching
// println("Touching (#" + fingerId + ")");
// ==================================================
// 6. Tools
for (Tool tool : hand.getTools()) {
int toolId = tool.getId();
PVector toolPosition = tool.getPosition();
PVector toolStabilized = tool.getStabilizedPosition();
PVector toolVelocity = tool.getVelocity();
PVector toolDirection = tool.getDirection();
float toolTime = tool.getTimeVisible();
// ------------------------------------------------
// Drawing:
// tool.draw();
// ------------------------------------------------
// Touch emulation
int touchZone = tool.getTouchZone();
float touchDistance = tool.getTouchDistance();
switch(touchZone) {
case -1: // None
case 0: // Hovering
// println("Hovering (#" + toolId + "): " + touchDistance);
case 1: // Touching
// println("Touching (#" + toolId + ")");
// ====================================================
// 7. Devices
for (Device device : leap.getDevices()) {
float deviceHorizontalViewAngle = device.getHorizontalViewAngle();
float deviceVericalViewAngle = device.getVerticalViewAngle();
float deviceRange = device.getRange();