I experience the same problems described by Holo Pad
An HMD mounted leapMotion definitely interferes with my Vive tracker (Not the 2 standard Vive controllers that the Vive ships with, but these: https://www.vive.com/us/vive-tracker/ ).
The symptoms are similar to what Holo Pad reported. If I use an HMD mounted leapMotion controller at the same time as a Vive tracker, the Vive tracker will randomly spasm or fly across the room when I am facing one of the lighthouses (only occurs when facing one of the lighthouses)
If I disconnect and remove the leapMotion from the HMD the Vive tracker tracking is completely stable.
Windows 10, Intel Core i7, Dual TitanX-Pascals. Windowless room with LED lighting. Running an Unreal 4 session with the UE4 LeapMotion Plugin.
Apologies for the double-post (I posted this in another thread describing similar issues, but it seemed important enough to post in this one as well)