I just got Rift + Touch VR, and I began thinking it would be nice to have a camera on the headset that you could activate with a shortcut of some kind to see what is around you, to get a quick look at the surroundings.
LEAP Motion does function as a camera, and its even a wide lens one, so it could be cool if it was possible to bring LEAP up as a window. I suspect it would not be easy though, as it seems to be a problem with VR at the moment to run several things at once. If you open SteamVR Home it will close whatever you had open, if you go to Oculus Home it will close whatever you had open on SteamVR, if you open a game.. etc etc.
Anyone know if it could be possible to make such a hack though? I suspect, especially with Rift, that its probably not just something you do, as it does not seem especially open.