I am trying build a wrapper of Leap SDK for python 3.6. I use Windows 10 64 bit and VS 2017.
These are the steps I followed:
1- I copied Leap.h, LeapMath.h, Leap.i, and Leap.lib (x64) into the project folder containing the .sln file
2- I ran the swig command and got the LeapPython.cpp and LeapPython.h in the folder
C:\Pai\LeapPython3.6>"C:\Users\Tianhe-2\Downloads\swigwin-3.0.12\swigwin-3.0.12\swig.exe" -c++ -python -o LeapPython.cpp -interface LeapPython Leap.i
3- I added the .cpp to the source folder and .h to the header file folder
4- I set the environment to Release x64
5- I went to the project properties and did the following :-
Open up the project properties, select the Release configuration, and go to the Configuration Properties -> General page. From there, set the 'Target Name' to LeapPython and set the 'Configuration Type' to 'Dynamic Library (.dll)'.
Go to to the C/C++ -> General property page. Add the path containing Python.h, typically C:\Python3.6\include.
Go to the Linker -> Input property page. Add Leap.lib and the full path to python36.lib, typically C:\Python3.6\libs\python36.lib.
6- Then I clicked build solution.
I get the following error -

Then I copied the Leap.lib file to the inner folders of x64 and LeapMotion3.6. Then I get this error.
I am trying for 2 days and I could'nt figure out what is the issue. Could you please help me?