I have copy and pasted the LMHeadMounted Rig from the Leap_Hands_Demo_VR scene (part of core assets) into a new scene for my project. I am having a problem while running the scene in the editor (testing with the Oculus CV1): When I hit play, the camera's field of view gets set to 96 (CenterEyeAnchor gameobject), but when I stop the scene, the field of view jumps down to 5 or NaN, and I get console error: Screen position out of view frustum. I then have to manually set the field of view back to 96 each time before running the scene. I tried setting up a new camera and adding the scripts back (LeapVRCameraControl and EnableDepthBuffer), but ran into the same problem. Could this be an issue with one of these scripts applied to the camera? Can anyone fill me in on what the EnableDepthBuffer script does and if it is necessary?