Hello, it appears that this version does not track hands whatsoever. No matter what I did, noting the several issues found in the release notes. The software status shows: Tracking. however, applications do not track and the visualizer never actually tracks and assigns a skeleton to the arms. Orion and the Gemini preview work and track well. As well, because of the deprication of the VR and desktop versions, the desktop visualizer can not be used at all when a headset is located in a USB of the machine, even when trying to switch modes in the visualizer. This is problematic for me personally as it stays plugged in and to the side of my machine until it is put one and use the leap motion standalone in desktop mode.
Congratulations on the new release.
But now, regarding this new release, sorry to say this, but UX is horrible.
1) Pause Tracking does not work
2) Calibration is gone
3) Visualizer requires head mounted display in order to show any image. What happened to the previous virtual space where we could test the device and performance without HMD? All we get now is a grey image?
4) Switching mode with V stays stuck in the HMD mode, no possibility to switch it to anything else
5) No instructions whatsoever regarding the changes mentioned. For example, how to test tracking without HMD
6) Tracknig services are not working when not connected to the internet. I mean, really?
0/10 release.
Same here. Visualizer is running, but not showing hands.
Some lines that I found in the log file, that may or may not have something to do with it:
[2021-10-28 11:47:13.581] [console] [info] leap::ModelManager::getCandidateModels::<lambda_c99ef578e14d14afe151782e729bfced>::operator ()()#122: tflite is an available engine
[2021-10-28 11:47:13.581] [console] [info] leap::ModelManager::getCandidateModels::<lambda_c99ef578e14d14afe151782e729bfced>::operator ()()#122: aot is an available engine
[2021-10-28 11:47:13.581] [console] [info] leap::ModelManager::getCandidateModels()#134: Archive ldat-39154.ldat does not support tracking mode Hmd
[2021-10-28 11:47:13.581] [console] [info] leap::ModelManager::getCandidateModels()#134: Archive ldat-38290.ldat does not support tracking mode Hmd
[2021-10-28 11:47:13.581] [console] [info] leap::ModelManager::getCandidateModels()#150: Model windows_aot1 does not support resolution 640x240 (any: false)
[2021-10-28 11:47:13.581] [console] [info] leap::ModelManager::getCandidateModels()#199: model windows_aot2 in ldat-37931.ldat is viable
[2021-10-28 11:47:14.365] [console] [info] leap::Evaluator::setCameraCalibration()#1245: Actual Raw Calibration!
UPDATE: These issues were solved after switching back to Orion (v4) temporarily and then reinstalling Gemini (v5) again. Thanks @dankirby
I am pleased to say that there will be a Linux version! Linux support is in our roadmap!
With Gemini, we've completely rebuilt our tracking engine so that we will be able to support different platforms, cameras and third-party hardware in the future!
Keep an eye on our socials next year for any updates!
Thank you for the feedback, Linux support is on our roadmap and Gemini was rebuilt to be able to support different platforms.
Thank you for your feedback about the tracking downloads page, we'll see if we can tweak this to be a bit clear and avoid any disappointment!
Keep an eye on our socials next year for any updates!
The Visualiser automatically being locked to VR mode a VR device is detected when is something we are going to investigate, thank you for sharing this feedback.
With regards to using projects and apps we 5.2 please note that this is a new tracking platform so you will need to update the leapc.dll at least. This might be helpful https://developer.leapmotion.com/migration-guide5 or the bottom 2 FAQs in this troubleshooting guide3.
Finally the visualiser not tracking your hands sounds like there could be an issue with the orientation. Please can you send me a screenshot of the visualiser to support@ultraleap.com so I can see what the device is seeing and I sh
ould be able to get this working for you
To update DCSWorld to work with our Gemini (V5) hand tracking you will need to replace the leapc.dll with the new version included in the Gemini software.
Please follow these steps to update this:
- Copy the new leapc.dll from the following location (or the location where you have installed the Ultraleap hand tracking software):
C:\Program Files\Ultraleap\VRVisualizer\VRVisualizer_Data\Plugins\LeapC.dll
- Browse to the DCS World folder containing the LeapC.dll:
Replace the LeapC.dll with the new file.
Restart DCS World and test!
Please let me know how you get on
Hi, Thank you for taking the time to put together this feedback!
.1. We have raised a bug report to our engineers to investigate the pause tracking behaviour. I have included an explanation of the current behaviour below but this is quite lengthy, my apologies!
What we have found is that is the tracking data is not being consumed, by the visualiser or an application for example, then the tracking is in an idle state and does not pause. If you have the visualiser open and running and then press pause tracking, the tracking will be paused as it is being used by the visualiser and is an active state. Additionally if you pause the tracking the setting does not persist, that means that if you were to close the visualiser and reopen it the tracking doesn't remain paused.
This has been raised to our engineers to investigate this behaviour and improve it. To help us to design this part of the software better please can you tell me about the behaviour that you are expecting to see here? The tracking software does not track unless there is a client (ie. visualiser or an application) connected and asking for tracking data. When you pause the tracking are you wishingfor the tracking service to be stopped altogether?
.2. Calibration was removed as it was confusing users who where trying to use it to achieve incremental improvements on their hand tracking perforamance. Calibrating the device only has an impact on tracking performance if there are severe issues with the function of the camera and will not improve the tracking performance if tracking is already functional. There are many more things to look at before calibration such as distance from camera, angle of hand, background, lighting, reflections, and the cleanliness of the screen to name a few.
.3, 4. The visualiser can display all three modes, VR Desktop and Above Facing User however currently if a VR headset is detected then the tracking mode will be automatically set to VR. We are looking into this behaviour to improve it. Thank you for this feedback!
.5. Navigating the visualiser remains the same as in V4 but if you have a VR headset connected then unfortunately this will be locked to VR mode. As above, we are going to improve this
.6. Our tracking software is agnostic to whether or not you are connected to the internet, I have just tested this out to be sure! What happens when you disconnected from the internet? Do you see any errors? Are you using any particular apps?
Thank you again for all of this feedback, this is really useful to help us polish a couple of the remaining rough edges
Thank you for your response!
If I pause the tracking I would like to pause the tracking service altogether. I would like to have the device go to some sort of sleep mode, to prevent overheating it, or accidently leaving it on for too long. (This sometimes happens when developing for Unreal, I just forget to disconnect it)
Not a problem. If tracking is out-of-the-box better then the previous one, then it's ok. But, wouldn't it be great if we have the ability to calibrate the device in our "home" control panel, and then apps such as TouchFree could read this calibration info. Instead of calibrating every app we have, numerous of times, couldn't we calibrate it once, and use it everywhere else?
3-4-5. I don't know why is the VR device detected, because I've uninstalled SteamVR just to test this release, and removed it's registry entries. Vive is sitting in it's box, disconnected, as well. All that aside, like you said, even if the VR device is detected/connected, we should have the option not to use that device.
6.I will try to explain, and write the steps.
We shall start from the clean installation of the new tracking software.
Step 1) Installed disconnected from the internet.
Step 2) Message pops-up: Tracking service not running, you may need to run it manually. Check the Services, Tracking service is running normally. Restart it, just in case.
Step 3) Open the Control Panel: Device status: Disconnected; Tracking software: Not tracking.
Step 4) Connect to the internet. Miracle. Device is connected, Tracking software: Idle.
The only thing that changes is the connecting to the internet part. How are these two connected, I have 0 clue.
Thank you for reading this,
Hi @detourbetx, the SDK is now an optional download to save space for those who don't require it. When going through the installer please make sure that you have selected it to be installed. When installed the SDK will be found at this location unless changed:
C:\Program Files\Ultraleap\LeapSDK
Hi -- @dankirby -- I see in Julienkay's post above that going back to Orion then back to Gemini solved these problems. I make the MidiPaw software and have several users reporting no tracking on Gemini. Is this flip of drivers back to 4 and then 5 version drivers the right way to handle this?
If so, will it be resolved soon so that it won't be needed? As it stands I updated my software to require Gemini but I wonder if that was a bit too soon!
Thanks very much for any guidance,
- Steve
Hi @sctaylor96! Thank you for updating your software to take advantage of our new generation of hand tracking!
The majority of users are able to install and run our new Gemini V5 software without issue, however we have seen a couple of issues, for example PCs that are running CPUs that don't support AVX instructions or have both V4 and V5 installed that have experienced issues.
Please feel free to forward any reports of issues to me at support@ultraleap.com and I am happy to help these people to get up and running!
Hi @faserx, thank you for posting this image of the visualiser. You can clearly see that there is an issue here, this should be a clear image and not distorted as in your picture. Please can you send me an email to support@ultraleap.com and I will be able to help you get this sorted
If anyone else reading this has a similar distortion of the visualiser please can you email me at support@ultraleap.com and I will be happy to help you with this issue.