TL:DR : Need to use the hand confidence level. Currently using version 2.3. Is a solution to the Orion issue going to be available anytime soon? Thx =)
As a part of my master thesis, I'm trying to fuse 2 (or more) LeapMotion controlers using a Kalman filter and so far it´s been working pretty well regarding the hand occlusion problems as well as some other issues related to certain hand poses that the controlers find hard to track ( like the closed hand pinching pose).
As a way to update the R matrix (sensor measurement noise) i'm using the hand confidence function. Therefore, i´m limited to the version 2.3 o since the Orion Beta version has an issue with the hand confidence level being always stuck at 1, as reported in the known issues.
Is there any solution to this problem yet? Or will it be released soon? I´ve noticed Orion has a much more robust tracking algorithm and i´d like to try it before my thesis is due.
Thanks in advance.