I have an existing Unity project that works with the HTC Vive by using SteamVR plugin. I would like to incorporate LeapMotion into the project so that I can also have hand tracking. I am having problems integrating the LMHeadMountedRig into the project. I have removed the CameraRig prefab that came with SteamVR. I am using the LMHeadMountedRig prefab instead, and I have added the SteamVR_Camera and SteamVR_CameraFlip scripts to the CenterEyeAnchor of the LMHeadMountedRig. Here is a picture of the hierarchy in unity:
When I play the scene, I can look around the scene by moving my head around, and the LeapMotion controller tracks my hand movements. But, the hand model in the scene only stays in one position. The hands do not appear in front of my face, and do not move around as I move my head around. How do I setup the LeapMotion prefabs in unity so that my hands are tracked and displayed as they are moving in real space? Is there something wrong in how I am using SteamVR and LMHeadMountedRig together?
Thanks in advance for any help.