I am using Leap-2.3.1+31549-x64.deb on Ubuntu 18.04(64bit Desktop).However, sometimes a segmentation fault occurs.I want to try Leap-2.3.1+33747-x64.deb, but I can't find it.Where is it?
https://developer.leapmotion.com/sdk/v2 You will need to unpackage the tgz, and then the tar
This page is Leap-2.3.1+31549-x64.deb version.I need Leap-2.3.1+33747-x64.deb version.
Is there an update on this?
So the guys have put up the file again: https://discordapp.com/channels/456107915514871828/456858281307275266/692333098909827132
The links are: 2.3.1+33747 SDK: https://lm-public.s3.amazonaws.com/cs-resources/LeapDeveloperKit_linux-hotfix_2.3.1%2B33747_linux.tgz2.3.1+33747 Installer: https://lm-public.s3.amazonaws.com/cs-resources/Leap_Motion_Installer_Packages_linux-hotfix_public_linux_2.3.1%2B33747.tgz
Thank you!I try this file.
This version didn't work on Ubuntu 16.04.In the Python sample, It's a segmentation fault.