I'm developing VR experiences in Unity 3D and I want to use the Leap Motion.
I have the HTC Vive Pro with wireless adapter and I can't seem to get it to work with my Leap Motion. I mounted the Leap Motion to the front of it using a custom-made 3D-printed bracket and I plugged it in the Vive's wireless adapter front USB port. I can see the little green light is on on the device itself so it is receiving power but the Leap Motion Controller icon in the system tray is black and tells me the controller is off. If i bypass the Vive wireless adapter and plug my Leap Motion directly into my computer the system tray icon immediately turns green and everything works so it certainly seems like the wireless adapter is to blame but I'm hoping there's some kind of work-around.
Am I out of luck? Is the Vive wireless adapter simply not supported?