Hi, I'm newbie on Leap Motion.
I have a v5 leap motion and I want to use it as a mouse.
I found this Github link: https://github.com/JeevanDrave/Control-Mouse-through-Gesture-using-Leap-Motion
But when I compile the code, error is reported as below. I google it and was told that leapjava.jar is missing.
I searched a lot and cannot find where to download it.
Could anyone give me some advise?
D:\workspace\Control-Mouse-through-Gesture-using-Leap-Motion\src\leap>javac -d . Main.java
Main.java:19: error: package com.leapmotion.leap does not exist
import com.leapmotion.leap.Controller;
Main.java:20: error: package com.leapmotion.leap.Controller does not exist
import com.leapmotion.leap.Controller.PolicyFlag;