I'm trying to press a button with Leap Motion for a 3D game on a Unity 2018.1.9f2 version engine, but I don't know were to start, because I don't see any tutorials. The game it self is going to use only Leap Motion to navigate though the level (this part is complete). I just need to figure out how to push buttons with it. I did how ever found an InteractionEngine 1.2.0 version module and a UIInput 1.2.2 version module. And as I have red both of these are capable to do that, but I don't know with one to use and how to use it. Can some one please explain? Thank you for you time.
Edit: So... I took a look at the Basic UI example in the Interaction Engine. And I mostly figured it out. There is only one problem I can't seem to make when I press a button to run my script. The script is very simple it just switches to another scene. But thing is I don't understand why the function tab has only the MonoScript. string mane. I image you have to write the function name of the script that you want to run and thats it, but it doesn't work. Does somebody knows why?