Have you tried recalibration to above 90%. you could try uninstall-re-insall or try updating your graphics card? in NVIDIA just type NVIDIA in the start (lower left win 10 search) I had a similar issue a couple years back running a NVIDIA 770 and updated to a 1650 GTX.. No issues with Leap or any other mocap devices now after upgrading to 64 gb RAM and 16gb VRAM. List your system specs so other users and help. ie (Win 10, AMD 1450, Nvidia 1650GTX 64GB RAM). also try goin into services, task manager, startup programs, autoruns, process explorer/process monitor and turn off anything that you are not using along with disabling antivirus and win defender (if you are creating a new app win will sometimes block new apps from running when creating Alpha projects) hope this helps