I am using Leap Motion in unity to develop a system. My system requires detecting the collision point whenever a finger touches an object. I have two scripts - HandController.cs and TouchController.cs. The script HandController controls all the finger and hand behavior and is attached to the Leap HandController prefab. TouchController is attached to the object(let's say a cube) I want to make my fingers collide with. TouchController implements OnCollisionEnter method and can return collision point. I need two clarification:
(1) First, how do I get the collision points in the HandController script?
(2) Second, why does only one script work at runtime? I created two similar projects, for one project I created and ran the HandController script first and then added the cube and its corresponding script; on the other project I did the other way around. When I run those projects, collision script does not work where HandController was initiated first and HandController does not work where TouchController was initiated first? Can anyone suggest me what's going on here?