Continuing the discussion from Controlling An RC Helicopter With Leap Motion:
How to control a Syma 107g RC helicopter with Leap Motion
You will need:
A Syma RC helicopter
Leap Motion
A few IR Leds and Resistors
Breadboard/ Wires
Step 1:
Make sure you have Arduino and Processing installed on your computer. You can fid the download links at and
Also, to get processing to interact with the Leap, we need to get the LeapMotionP5 library which can be found here
Just drag the LeapMotionP5 folder to Processing’s library folder on your computer.
Step 2:
Set up your infrared Leds with your Arduino. Create a simple circuit and connect the breadboard to pin 13 and the 5 volt power source (I know mine is messy and complicated, you only really need to get one Led to see progress. The more the better! I recommend using a transistor and I will be adding a 9 volt battery soon!)
Step 3:
Load my code into Arduino and Processing. If you have installed both applications and the Processing library correctly, you should be able to run the two files from this link
Step 4:
Connect the Leap Motion while running both files and turn your helicopter on!
Moving your hand up and down should make the helicopter go up and down. Moving your hand along the x axis should make the helicopter turn, and moving your hand forward and backwards should make the helicopter go forward and backwards.
I hope it works for you as well as it does for me!