Sorry for the delay on this thread. That functionality is still there but taking a new, hopefully more useful form. The short answer for now is that the new HandProxy class has a Finish() method which gets called when tracking is lost and a Reset() method which is called when the model is added to a new HandRepresentation. There is a new abstract class called HandTransitionBehavior. HandProxy.Finish() calls the Finish() and Reset() methods in any HandTransitionBehavior's that might be attached to the handModel as Unity components.
The first example of this is the HandEnableDisable.cs which is attached to each IHandModel prefab in the Orion core assets. But it will be easy to create other type of HandTransitionBehaviors by simply implementing that abstract class. In our next add-on, we may do other examples like fade in and out or drop-to-your sides, etc.