Hello guys, I'm starting a project in C# with heavy emphasis on creating custom gestures for the Leap device to recognize. So basically, the project works by recognizing the gesture and then assign it with a value like if your'e making a swipe gesture then the app will output something like "swipe gesture detected". Probably l'm having the same issue with the user in this community post/topic https://community.leapmotion.com/t/recording-custom-gestures-in-java/3080.
Problem is I'm completely a newb in tinkering with leap's overall functionalities. I just want some tips or notes, snippets of codes, etc. that will greatly help me in dealing with this current project. And if ever I will be able to make the gestures, how can I make the application recognize if the gesture patterns are matching. And maybe some more questions in the future the more I delve deeper into this project. Thank you in advance for the response!